I Hate Flying Bugs Inc. and Korea University Partner to Develop Prototype AI Digital Textbook for Middle School Math
I Hate Flying Bugs Inc., a leading EdTech company specializing in personalized online education, has announced its selection to co-lead the development of a prototype AI digital textbook for middle school mathematics. This project, titled “Research on the Service Model and Prototype Development of Middle School Mathematics AI Digital Textbooks,” is spearheaded by the Korea […]
[Edaily] Using AI Tech for Online Study Management Prior to Public Education Implementation
While AI digital textbooks are scheduled for introduction to public schools in 2025, IHFB has already been a pioneer, transforming the private education landscape for the past seven years. Through overcoming numerous challenges, they have finally achieved success in using AI technology to enable a single teacher to manage the real-time learning of multiple students […]
[IT Chosun Daily] According to I Hate Flying Bugs Inc., a 12-year-old startup, teacher-led tutoring remains the core of AI Digital Textbook
From 2025, AI Digital Textbooks will be introduced to the education field in South Korea. IHFB’s personalized study solution leverages AI as a co-pilot to assist real teachers, fostering improved study outcomes. 2025년부터 대한민국 교육 현장에 ‘AI 디지털교과서’가 도입된다. 모든 학생에게 동일한 학습을 제공하는 기존의 교육 방식에서 학생 데이터 기반의 ‘맞춤’ 학습콘텐츠를 제공하게 된다. 정부는 […]
I Hate Flying Bugs Inc. Earns Pre-Unicorn Recognition from Korean Government
I Hate Flying Bugs Inc.(IHFB), known for its 1:1 online personal teaching platform “Mildang PT,” has been officially recognized as one of the pr e-unicorns with the 2023 “Prospective Unicorn Special Guarantee” from the Korean Ministry of SMEs and Startups. Executives from the Technology Guarantee Fund visited IHFB headquarters on July 5 to celebrate the […]
YBM and I Hate Flying Bugs Inc. Sign MOU to Partner on Digital Textbooks for Public Education Market
I Hate Flying Bugs Inc. (IHFB), the company behind the popular 1:1 online personal teaching solution “Mildang PT,” announced today it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with YBM, a leading education publishing company, to collaborate on AI Digital Textbooks for the public education market. Under the terms of the MOU, YBM and I […]
I Hate Flying Bugs Inc. Defies Market Downturn and Secures KRW 200 Billion in Series C Bridge Funding
Amidst a challenging economic climate, I Hate Flying Bugs Inc. (IHFB), the operator of the AI-powered online tutoring platform “Mildang PT,” has successfully closed its Series C bridge funding round, raising KRW 200 billion. This impressive feat demonstrates the company’s strong growth potential and investor confidence in its innovative education solutions. The bridge round saw […]
[Seoul Economic Daily] “Mildang PT will replace tutorial instutitions and private tutoring…Creating high-quality and equal educational opportunities”
◆1:1 온라인 과외 ‘밀당 PT’ 박찬용 아이헤이트플라잉버그스 대표에듀테크 업체 경쟁자는 오프라인학습관리로 공부하는 플랫폼 구현부자든 서민이든 ‘똑같은’ 서비스새 콘텐츠 개발 ‘B2G 진출’ 목표 서울 여의도 파크원 타워 39층에 위치한 ‘아이헤이트플라잉버그스’ 사무실에 들어서자 다소 생소한 이름들이 눈에 띄었다. 모스키토(모기), 크리켓(귀뚜라미), 레이디버그(무당벌레) 등으로 각 회의실마다 붙여진 이름이었다. 겉만 보면 벌레 퇴치 업체로 보였다. 하지만 사무실 내부 모습을 완전 […]
[Korea Economy] 92% completion rate for Middle and High School On-tact tutoring… I Hate Flying Bugs Inc. takes online tuturing to another level
에듀테크 스타트업 ‘밀당’ 영·수 인강 ‘학습관리’ 도입‘온택트선생님’이 출결·문답AI로 실시간 모니터링·진단전국 중고 내신·수능자료 확보시리즈C 투자 유치, 누적 435억 교육 서비스는 전자상거래 등 다른 분야에 비해 디지털 전환 속도가 느린 편이다. 학습 관리 및 성과 측정에 효율적인 온라인 학습 환경을 구축하는 기술 장벽이 비교적 높기 때문이다. 에듀테크 전문 스타트업 밀당은 1대1 비대면 온라인 강의 플랫폼을 개발해 상용화에 […]
[Outstanding IT News] The 10-year pivot history of I Hate Flying Bugs Inc. that attracted KRW 30bn investment
에듀테크 회사 ‘밀당’이300억원의 시리즈C 투자를 유치했습니다. 참고로 밀당의 정식 법인명은‘아이헤이트플라잉버그스’이고,지금까지는 서비스명인 ‘밀당영어’로많이 알려져 있었는데요. 본 기사에서는 이 회사의 호칭을‘밀당’이라고 통일하겠습니다. 다시 투자 소식으로 돌아가 볼까요. 밀당 측에 따르면 바로 지난 달,2022년 3월에 시리즈 C 투자 라운드가300억원으로 마무리됐습니다. 이로써 누적 투자 유치 금액은435억원에 이릅니다. 아니.. 대체 어떤 회사일까요? 밀당은 카카오톡을 활용한 온라인 영·수 과외,‘온택트 과외’ 서비스를 […]
[IT Chosun Daily] Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing the Education Market
AI tech is rapidly being integrated into various industries, and one of the most noticeable areas is education. Recently, education startups have utilized AI to provide personalized services such as recommendation, management, and matching for learners, turning the environmental constraints of non-face-to-face and remote learning into new opportunities.